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Friday, 30 December 2011


Last week i bought a new camcorder-a flip. It has a built in battery plus editing software and its own hd drive to store film clips-so no sd cards to buy.Its simple to use but i must admit the edit software is a bit hard.You can e:mail your films to friends-post on u-tube send to twitter,even greeting cards by e:mail.

Thursday, 29 December 2011

Boxing day visit

I went to the allotment on boxing day-it has been 5 weeks since my last visit ! the winter onions are well on but the garlic i planted 6 weeks ago have not shown any new shoots at all ?-perhaps its the wrong time of the year to plant, i dont realy know ?.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Not a lot to say at the moment

Monday has come round again-5 weeks this Wednesday since i was on the plot so nothing to report plot wise. The weather has been cold-but not as cold as last year- last year we had snow and ice and some nights it was minus 12c. and even colder in some parts of the U/K.

Got an E: mail to day from Rebecca-plot 96, to say no damage to shed or fence with the high winds we have been having lately, thats good news

Friday, 16 December 2011

Thursday, 15 December 2011

Weather Video. plus Potatoes at Poundland

Not been down to the allotment for 4 weeks, been to cold and windy-anyway its all done and ready for the spring-which at the moment feels a long way off.
I am looking at the seed catalogue's at what to grow next season, and making plans in my head for next year as what to grow.  Its under a month now till the pound shop gets its spuds, onion sets and shallots in for sale-8 spuds to a £1 bag-works out just over 12 pence per spud-don't know about onions or shallots-but i wont find them cheaper any where else in Preston.

This  time last year we where starting with the ice and snow witch lasted well in to
the new year-overnight temperatures of minus 12c in some places and heavy snow all over the U/K
no planes, no transport of any kind -all grounded....even me !!

Monday, 5 December 2011

Winter is here !!

MONDAY 5 Th December  " Snow Clouds rolling in " The temperature at 12:00pm was 0.05c.

Friday, 2 December 2011

Xmas treat

Salvation Army playing in the entrance to the centre. [ Video ]

A trip into town today-it was to cold for the allotment,  i must be getting soft in my old age !!
First stop was Poundland to buy the bits and bobs for home, then Primark to buy a nice and chunky
cardegan to keep me nice and warm this winter- The Salvation army was playing in the entrance to the centre, i listened for a while-and at last it felt like Xmas was on the way, it was a nice afternoon out