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Saturday, 25 February 2012

Next 3 Days Weather.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Sprouting my Onions.

On Saturday i planted my onion sets in my home made cold frame.Its a fishbox from the local chippy, a brick and a sheet of glass for the top-total cost...nowt...!! and it works-the brick is to hold the box down! and stop it blowing away.
see the short Video

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

LIDL flowers and veg seeds.

I noticed lidl had seeds in the store-29p a pkt or 4 for a £ so i bought 8 pks of flowers for £2.00, i have used lidl seeds before and found them to be very good value for money-good germination. Why pay 99p a pkt minimum and high postage costs on line.
They're all so selling-1 kilo packs of baby Charlotte potatoes 69p a pack so i bought one to use as seed potatoes-it contained 21 potatoes , which are  now in egg boxes on my window sill  chitting.


Tuesday, 7 February 2012


On Monday the 6 th of Feb i decided to have a trip to the allotment-after 3 weeks since my last visit. The garlic row has now come through and is around  3" tall, and all looking healthy. My next visit will be to plant the summer onion sets.

Friday, 3 February 2012

Getting Colder.

I recorded a temperature of -5c last night-not minus 10c as fore casted but still cold !! and snow is forecast for to morrow
I was going to sow broad beans this week end in the cold frame on the allotment, but the cold weather has scuppered my plans.
above picture " Sunset over the allotments "